
You infiltrated my heart

Found your way in

Through the tiny cracks

Until my heart was

Full of you.

But now that you’re gone

My heart is empty

Loneliness is slowly

Eking its way in

Through the very same

Doors you walked out of.

You left and let

The Lonely in

My whole body is swimming

In loneliness now

Sometimes it slowly comes

Leaking through my eyes

And, other times

My fingers bleed loneliness

Onto pages and pages

Of blank white paper.

-The Girl Lost In The Bookstore

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55 thoughts on “Loneliness.

      1. Stalking?Thats a sad word :/ The thing is,if I like a blog,I make it a point to read as much of its content as possible.I did the same here.You write really well. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Haha, no no. I didn’t mean stalking in that sense. I do that as well. And I call it “stalking”. Okay, I’m weird, never mind. *hides face* Thank you very much, I really liked your blog, too. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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